Zoo tycoon 2 zookeeper edition needs cd-rom to run after install?
(too old to reply)
2009-08-26 18:01:03 UTC
My question is i installed ZT2 ZE and It did not make a desktop icon.I found
the ZT.exe file and made a shortcut.Whenever I click on it,it shows a splash
screen and a pop up says to insert disk 1.

Why would i have to use the cd-rom if i have already installed and it's a
large file around 835MB

I've looked eveyrwhere and from what I've read from most people is you do
not have to use the cd-rom after you installed so what is the my problem here?
2009-11-29 15:03:01 UTC
Hello, the main thing really is the OS. If it is XP, try looking in the start
menu under Microsoft games. But for vista or 7, click on start and then click
on the games option on the right hand side.

Hope this helps
