Me too!
Thanks for all the quick help in the Christmas spirit!
The good news:
- Removing the two Radeon lines from config .txt "seems" to have
- My kid is happily placing fences & animals and feeding them, etc.
- THANKS to everyone!
The bad news:
- I read the box BEFORE purchasing the Zoo Tycoon 2 game
- I have it in front of me right now (correct me if I'm wrong)
- There's absolutely NOTHING about the IBM PC or its graphics card!
So, while it's always advisable to spend months researching anything
provided by Microsoft (they make incompatibility a competitive weapon),
there's absolutely no way (IMHO) anyone "normal" would determine the
ATI Radeon 7500 or the IBM A31p laptop PC would be unsupported!
Here's what it says (verbatim) on the Microsoft Zoo Tycoon 2 box:
System Requirements: Windows XP/2000/ME/98SE - 256 MB RAM
Processor: 733 MHz
Hard Drive: 900 MB
Video Card: 16 MB/3D Direct X9.0 or later
Other: DirectX 9.0 sound card & speakers/headphones
Considering dxdiag shows no problems (I can post the complete results),
can/should a "normal" person should infer that a stock IBM A31p
laptop PC (64M ATI Radeon Mobility 7500) is not supported
from this information provided by Microsoft & printed on the box?